April 15, 2019

We’ve all been there— in a hurry, on the go. Grabbing a plastic water or soda bottle seems like no big deal, right? Recent studies are telling us differently. If you’re not concerned with the problems single-use plastics are causing the planet, maybe you’ll be concerned with what it’s doing to your health.   


Plastic isn’t just bad for the environment, it’s bad for our bodies too. Let’s start by talking about BPA. Many plastic containers contain something called BPA (bisphenol A). BPA is a chemical has been known to actually taint food and beverages contained within the plastic. BPA has been linked to many health issues such as obesity, heart disease, infertility for both men and women, birth defects, type 2 diabetes, and many more.

The Lie of “BPA Free”  

Now, today, we can often find beverage bottles that claim to be BPA free, however, this does not mean they are safe. Many of the plastics that claim to be BPA free still contain similar chemicals such as bisphenol F, bisphenol S, and bisphenol B. These chemicals have been found to be just as harmful to the body and have a lot of similar health risks. Bisphenol S, for example, has been known to affect hormones and developing embryos.


Microplastics are tiny little pieces of plastic, invisible to the naked eye, that could very well be in your drinking water. According to a study done by the The State University of New York, 93% of plastic water bottle brands contain microplastics in their bottled water. That means you’re actually drinking plastic! While the exact impact these microplastics make on our body is still unknown, if you consider the fact that plastic isn’t biodegradable, it’s probably not something we want to be ingesting.

How to Protect Yourself

Unless the situation is dire, there’s really no need to drink from plastic bottles. Invest in a reusable bottle and filter your own water from home. If you need some inspiration check our GRAYL Ultralight Purifier Bottles or our selection of water filters. Our bodies and are health are important and while we can sometimes let convenience drive our decisions, this is something you might want to think twice about.





